Chlorella Tablets
Organic chlorella: what can you expect from it? Chlorella is a so-called 'micro alga', a single-celled organism. Chlorella was first created about two billion years ago. The name for the organism is Greek, from 'chloros', meaning 'greenish yellow'. You can buy organic chlorella tablets at herb and bloomshop. Chlorella tablets are highly recommended, because this organism contains many important nutrients.
The power of organic chlorella
Chlorella contains just about all vitamins except vitamin D. The tablets are also rich in minerals (such as calcium and iron), plus a lot of enzymes, amino- and fatty acids, proteins, sugars and spores. There is a lot more in there than not. Chlorella is also considered one of the most effective natural detoxifiers.
Numerous benefits of chlorella
There are several benefits attributed to this particular alga. First, chlorella is a source of essential nutrients. For more information about this product, please refer to our article/index/aboutchlorella%3C%2Fa%3E%3C%2Fstrong%3E.%3C%2Fp%3E%3Ch2%3ETheuseofChlorellatablets%3C%2Fh2%3E%3Cp%3EFornormaldailyuse%2Cconsultthepackaging.%3C%2Fp%3E%3Ch2%3EWheredoIpurchaseChlorellaTabs%3F%3C%2Fh2%3E%3Cp%3EYoucanbuyChlorellaTabsat%7B%7Bconfigpath/general%2Fstore_information%2Fname/%20of%20course.%20In%20our%20web%20shop%20you%20can%20order%20Chlorella%20Tabs%20in%20quantities%20from%20small%20to%20big.%20Subscribe%20to%20our%20newsletter%20and%20don't%20miss%20out%20on%20any%20more%20Chlorella%20Tabs%20offers.